About assessments
If your child is struggling with aspects of literacy, like reading and writing, then assessment can often be the first step to understanding the obstacles that are getting in the way of your child’s progress. It can be the key to unlocking their talents and self-belief.

girl struggling
Learning with Dyslexia assessments are not ‘tests’ that give a yes/no answer; they are focused on understanding your child as an individual and on finding a positive way forward. The reports aim to be helpful, clear, and easy to read and understand. They contain recommendations on how best your child learns and how they can improve their future ‘lived experiences’. All of my assessments are followed up by practical advice,  in a written report.

girls laughing

On some occasions it is not possible to offer a clear-cut diagnosis of dyslexia. In such circumstances, a comprehensive description of the profile, including strengths and weaknesses will be given. If necessary, recommendations to other professionals, such as a speech and language therapist or occupational therapist will be included.

Full Diagnostic Assessment

Aims to identify – or diagnose – what is at the root of the difficulties that are causing concern. A Learning with Dyslexia Specialist Assessor’s assessment is usually appropriate for persons over 5 years old who have not previously been assessed, or for those who require a full update on progress since a previous assessment.The assessment will usually take 3 to 4 hours.

Full Diagnostic Assessment Package- £525.00
A full diagnostic assessment involving a range of tests is carried out and a comprehensive and detailed assessment report is produced, including a diagnosis of dyslexia if, and when appropriate.
Each assessment report will include:
• Summary of assessment report findings
• Summary of background information from home and school/college, including history of support at school/college based on information given in your questionnaire
• Detailed interpretation of test results, including:
– General Ability
-Attainments, e.g. reading, spelling, writing
– Cognitive processing skills, e.g. memory, phonological awareness, speed of phonological processing
– Basic mathematical skills
– Handwriting skills, e.g. legibility, speed
• Conclusion – a holistic view of assessment findings
• Table of test scores
• Essential recommendations for supporting the learner where relevant:
– At home
– In the classroom
– Access arrangements in exams
– Specialist teacher/tutor
– Full details of all the tests used in the session will be included for reference.
– Suggestions for Access Arrangements in examinations will be included if appropriate.


Phone: 07727298806
Office 2, The Barns, Farm Road
Caddsdown Industrial Park, Bideford, North Devon EX39 3BT