Dyslexia can affect different people in different ways and its effects can range from mild to severe.
The list below provides an overview of the types of difficulties a dyslexic person may have at 12 years to adult and may be used as a guide to spotting indicators of dyslexia.


Many older children and adults will remember having similar difficulties to those listed for Primary aged children and some may still apply into adulthood, but some additional issues for older children through to adults might include:
•Difficulties taking notes
•Difficulties planning and writing essays, letters or reports
•Difficulties reading and understanding new terminology
•Quality of work is erratic
•Difficulties revising for examinations
•Struggles to communicate knowledge and understanding in exams
•Feels that the effort put in does not reflect performance or results
•Forgets names and factual information, even when familiar
•Struggles to remember things such as a personal PIN or telephone number
•Struggles to meet deadlines
•Struggles with personal organisation (finances/household, arrives at lessons with the wrong books, forgets appointments)
•Difficulties filling in forms or writing cheques
•Only reads when necessary and never for pleasure
•Develops work avoidance tactics to disguise difficulties and/or worries about being promoted/taking professional qualifications
•Difficulties become exacerbated when under pressure of time

Phone: 07727298806
Office 2, The Barns, Farm Road
Caddsdown Industrial Park, Bideford, North Devon EX39 3BT